At the start of the summer break, I sat there wondering what a good summer project could be. A game engine would be fun, but I had just spent the last few months developing one and needed a break. Several other ideas for apps useful to me came to mind, but then it occurred that having a website to demo all my current and future projects would be highly beneficial.
[Read More]Hello
Welcome to CP-DEV, a platform for me to share who I am, what I do, and where I'm going!
The Gitflow Model
Which branch?
This model has been the saving grace behind all my software development projects and has saved countless hours of resolving merge conflicts.
I was first introduced to the gitflow model during my first group project, Big Balls Roll, by my group member Peter Crabbe. Thanks to the clear and basic structure it provides for a project, it made the daunting task of learning and using git a lot more manageable.
[Read More]Random Map Generation
Creation From An Idea
The Requirements
- Design a random map generation algorithm to provide replayability for the player.
- The algorithm had to be fast enough not to hinder gameplay with excessive load times.
- It had to work with the AI component that was still under development.
- Wall locations and dimensions.
- Entities/Obstacles within each room.
- Door locations and information about connected corridors.
- A guarantee that all rooms were accessible and that the AI and player could navigate between doors without being obstructed.
- It had to be completed within a limited timeframe (2 weeks) alongside other game developments.
- Allow different art assets to be swapped out easily.
- Seeded map generation for replayability.
Under Construction
Getting there...
Now I’m not one to blog or write about myself or anything like this, really, but my front page looks bare, and I need some content for it…
So if you see this, then yea, my site is still under construction!
… or you scrolled really far down
… or I never really posted much in the future